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Sunday, March 1, 2020

All Set...

...and ready to go.

I love that moment when I have a new puzzle all set and ready to go...when the border is done and the pieces are all sorted in the box tops on the TV tray.

Have I ever shared my awesome TV tray? I bought it when Paul and I were first married at a yard sale....and I've loved it all these years. My boys loved it too.


That moment was almost a week ago on this puzzle and I just finished it today.  The quality is amazing. The box says the pieces feel like velvet....and they actually do! Quality pieces for us puzzle lovers is pure joy.

It went pretty fast and handling the pieces and seeing the tiny details of the magazines bits and pieces used in the collage helped me appreciate the art of Betsy Silverman even more. Each person is constructed from a dozens of tiny pieces. She told us that any one given element may have as many as 10 layers.
And I'm all set and ready to go in Maine too. The border isn't done....but I've got a good start.  I borrowed this colorful puzzle from Joan.....she loved every minute of it and I think I will too.  
The 1000 + pieces are all set up in the box just can't see them in this photo because they are tucked under my table for easy access. But I'm all set and ready to go!

I may actually get some inspiration for paper cutouts from this puzzle.  The details are so's going to be fun!

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