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Monday, March 2, 2020

Letting Go

We are in the liturgical season of Lent....the 40 days leading up to Easter. For many it's a time of personal reflection and people often give up something of importance or take up something meaningful or recommit to a life changing discipline.

I'm using this season as a kick start to let things go. The consolidation of two homes this coming fall is not yet looming over me...but it is most certainly hovering. So during Lent and beyond whichever house I'm at I'm going to let go of AT LEAST one thing a day I've loved or enjoyed.  

During this process I'm going through closets and cupboards uncovering and discovering things I had forgotten about.  I found a bag of beautiful wool strips from my friend Connie left over from her rug hooking.  OK....I'm not ready to let these go because I think there's something beautiful just waiting to be created.  I can already see it will be much harder to let go of art and craft supplies than household things.  Aren't they scrumptious?

I've got boxes ready in both places and I'm putting larger items in the garage.

The first day I chose this ceramic box made by Barry from our college days.  It's lovely and has served us well for 39 years....but it was time to let it go.                                                                      
I'm 5 days's a start.

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