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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

What Caught My Eye Today

As I walked to and from the polling station this morning a few things caught my eye.

This rock was sitting on the stump along the bike path and of course I had to read it. I fully expected it to be something about love or friendship.....but much to my surprise and delight it was just something it made me chuckle out loud.

"To the guy who invented zero-thanks for nothing."
There are so many colors and textures in this small space....
how can that not catch your eye!

I have picked up these prickly seed pods many times....but I've never a cluster like this. 
And this gentlemen soaking in the sun on the Lexington Green not only caught my eye...he captured my heart.

And finally.....the late afternoon sun and the beautiful winter sky through the gingko tree made me pause as I was doing a little yard work.  I hope something caught your eye today.

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