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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Getting There

I can't help but follow up on yesterday's post with Eric Storm's most recent photo on Instagram.....the moonrise under the pier at Old Orchard Beach. the just a short walk from Ocean Park....better known as "Jane's beach."  Stunning!
As I was tidying up my studio I uncovered my hydrangea punch. Painted papers make pretty textured punched petals...and they look good just sitting on an old book page.
And...I've been spending some of my evenings making white squares to finish up my cathedral window quilt wall hanging. My goal has been to have it done before I lived at the condo full time....and that's November so I need to keep at it.

I have three rows left before I can join the two pieces...the rows are 25, 27 and 29 squares long. Because there are two rows of color for every one row of white squares that translates to`162 colored squares to insert....I think. I never was good at math.

I'm almost there....I only have 4 white squares left before I can plan the colors inserts.  But my white fabric is in Lexington and I'm in Portland so they will have to wait. But I did find my box of scraps prints I've set aside for this quilt so I might trim some of these up this evening.  

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