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Monday, March 9, 2020

Widgery Wharf

I've had a screenshot of this maine_igers photo of Widgery Wharf on my computer desk top since January. The rustic charm, the snow, and the explosion of color drew me right in. I just learned that it was taken by Eric Storm and now I'm following his amazing Maine Instagram account too. His photos are incredible...and so many of the places and spaces are familiar! 

This one was taken on the working waterfront right here in downtown Portland and I knew at some point I had to check it out. Today was a 60 degree mostly sunny it seemed like a good day for a little color collecting at Widgery Wharf.

I purposefully parked a mile or so away on Commercial Street. It was a beautiful day for a walk and there are always things to see along the waterfront.

The street sign was rather nondescript....but I was glad to be in the right spot.

I got to this point and was stopped in my tracks by the 
"No Trespassing Keep Out" sign.  Hmmmm

I went just a bit further....and with the sign out of view decided to keep going.  I'm a bit of very much a rule follower but I used the better to beg forgiveness mindset....I was on a color collecting mission after all.

Not too far down I found the spot where Eric's Instagram photo was taken...but the Widgery Wharf sign on the orange shed was blocked by the lobster traps.  I kept going....and had a an absolutely delightful time...I felt like a kid in a candy store. So come along if you're interested....every color of the rainbow is represented in the rustic waterfront charm of Widgery Wharf.

 Yes....the little sign says security cameras in use....too late now.

As I walked back to the car I took a couple detours. This little excursion reminded me that there's so much to see right at our matter where we live. You never know what you might discover when you wander down a quiet street, a back alley, or a fishing wharf. 

I just learned that "igers" is short for Instagrammers. I also follow IGersBoston....and it all makes sense now.  These sites with #igers are compilations of people who photograph places like Maine and Boston on Instagram. Duh! You don't know till you know...and now I know.  And I usually know WAY later than everyone else.  

Just as I was getting ready to publish this post I saw this amazing photo of the full moon setting over Portland taken early this morning by Eric Storm.  Oh my! I'm so glad Widgery Wharf let me to another very talented artist!

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