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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Net Gain...or Loss?

I have continued my Lenten practice of letting things go and recently took a big bag of well loved items from the condo to the Goodwill store.

But I confess I also came home with one thing. I fell in love with the color and the geometric pattern of the $2 vase. 

I'm pretty sure there were at least 20+ items in my it's still a significant net gain....or I guess it's actually a net loss.

I'm going to enjoy it here on my puzzle table for a while....and what fun puzzle this is!  It's slow going but it's the perfect puzzle to take me into the spring!  I've separated the border so I could slide the top down and am doing it Linda style working my way from top to bottom pushing it up as I go.  

So many colors and shapes....I'm loving it. Perfect distraction during these days of laying low. Thanks Joan!

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