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Friday, April 10, 2020

Another 100 Days

The official "100 Day Project 2020" started on April 7th....and it's not just for artists and crafters. There are no rules....anything goes. It's simple...."choose a it every day for 100 days....share your process." Several of the artists I follow are already on board with interesting projects.....and I've been contemplating starting another one of my own for a little while now.

Last year's 100 days took me on a wonderful journey creating an index card a day from scraps, leftovers, and cut up art projects gone wrong.  There are several videos and photos on this Instagram post of my 100 cards. Be sure to scroll through the whole post if you want to see them all.

When I was planning squares to finish my cathedral window quilt I realized I had way more scraps than I needed....and that got me thinking. And if I'm being honest the scraps in this box are just the tip of the iceberg.

Here's my random thought process.

1.  I've always wanted to make a blue and white quilt and have collected a nice variety of fabric over the years. But I'm also realizing my taste has changed a bit....and I lean towards wanting more color.

2.  I've always been drawn to scrap quilts with random piecing.

3.  I've been playing so much with paper...that it might be a nice change of pace to work with fabric again.

4.  Making a quilt square a day for 100 days may be just the incentive I need.

5.  Why not combine a blue and white quilt with my colorful scraps.

So here I go....I'm off on another 100 day journey.

It's day 4....and here are my squares...I'm not going to worry about size at this point. I'm just going to strip piece with no fussy cutting....and I'm OK if the squares turn out a bit wonky.  When I start joining them I'll add more strips so they fit together to form bigger coordinated blocks.  Maybe it will look like a a rainbow in a bright blue sky.  One can dream.

I'll piece together small scraps of the colors in coordinating fabrics and at the same time piece together a variety of blues. I'm not going to over think it...I'm just going to sew a little bit every day.  If I miss a day....that's OK....and some days I might make more than one.  It's all good.

This is the first time I've used a new wool pressing surface that fits on top of a wooden TV tray.  It works like a dream along side my sewing machine.

This aqua block was my first one....several pieces and more thought out. The purple one was today's day 4...simple and straight forward and took about 6 minutes.  I can do this!                                                           

All the blog posts about last years 100 day project can be seen here in reverse order:

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