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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Two To Go!

As I write this post we've got 2-3 inches of fresh snow here in Portland....and it's still coming down.  Spring snow is inevitable in New's beautiful and will be gone before you know it.

About a week ago I finished adding and inserting colors for the first of the three remaining rows on my cathedral window wall hanging. Two rows to go! The hand stitching is perfect for evenings while I watch Netflix...but I have to be careful not to stitch too long or too many days in a row as it's a bit hard on my hands.

Yesterday I laid it out again and planned the colors for the next row. I'm still set up in the little guest room where there's good morning light. I have a photo open on my computer of the other half that is hanging on the wall so I can do my best transitioning the colors. The end is in sight!

When I'm done planning I stack them all up and put the squares in little for the strip....and one for the insert when I connect it to the quilt.

I have many stitching evenings ahead ...I almost finished 12 colored squares last night and will settle in again tonight.

Paul snapped this photo of me yesterday...wet head and all.  I never like pictures of me....but I thought this was a good addition to this post.  I really enjoy this part of the process...sorting and choosing's quiet and calming.

Sitting at the puzzle table this evening watching the snow and listening to John Prine with Paul was also calming.  

Both Paul and I really enjoy his music and story's so sad that he recently died from the COVID-19 virus.

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