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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Distinct Layers

"Hope is something you do, as opposed to something you have. It is a behavior and a commitment that allows us to utilize the wisdom and courage we all possess." from a friend's Facebook Page

Because puzzles are such a source of joy for me....I have to pause and share what's currently on my table. It's one I've done before....and for some reason I don't have the box...just a cutout of the photo that was on the cover.  It's 1000 pieces and has three distinct layers.  Over the past week or so I've been slowly sorting the pieces into three separate boxes and got to work on the sky layer.

There's lots of sky....but it was surprisingly easy because of the clouds, birds, and variation in the shades of blue.  The graduated size of the sunflowers will make the next layer doable now I'm looking for the distant blooms.

I finally gave up looking for this piece....I know it will turn I'm moving on.
And I continue to love my spot behind the couch....I love being in the center of the room with a view of the back yard....and on this particular morning a view of Paul working from home. 

Paul and I took a long walk this morning....some of it through the woods on Portland Trails. It was a beautiful morning to be out.

And what's not to love about a twirling splash of color along the way.

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