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Sunday, April 19, 2020

More Simple Celebrations

It was a beautiful day today....and I have more simple things to celebrate.

The mini daffodils I planted by the rock wall are a bright spot in what is still a very brown landscape. I think I'll add to it for next year.  The squirrels dug up and ate every single crocus bulb I planted...but they left daffodils alone.

Here they are in a wider view....... a small but mighty splash of color.  

And it was actually just warm enough to sit out on the patio this afternoon with a of our favorite places to be.

And I have a little splash of color Christmas Easter cactus is blooming.....and oh what a marvelous bloom it is!

There is something so hopeful about new little perennial sprouts that poke through in the spring.  Late last fall my sister Nancy sent me some woodland splits from her of which was bloodroot. I found this interesting image online so I would know what was coming....and you can see why it's called bloodroot.

She texted me this photo of her bloodroot poking through and asked if mine was up yet. They look like little worms peeing their heads out of the ground.

And sure enough...mine was poking through too.  I see one...and maybe two little spouts at this point...but I'm going to keep an eye on it.  I'm pretty excited.

And while I'm celebrating simple things.....I might as well include my puzzle.  I've made my way through the sunflower heads....and just started working on the leaves and stems.  It seemed impossible until I sorted the pieces into shapes. It will still be slow going....but doable.  

But the biggest thing I'm celebrating today is Paul's sister Alyson and I worked together to coach Margie on how to get logged onto a Zoom meeting...and I'm happy to report we were successful.  This Wednesday we are going to try and have our first family Zoom gathering in honor of my nephew's 21st birthday.  

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