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Saturday, April 18, 2020

Simple Things

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."  Winnie the Pooh

Some days it's more important than ever to appreciate simple things.....and today was one of those days.  Life is precious.....we should never take our health and the people we love for granted.  And we should always pay attention to the simple things.

Remember the snowdrops I picked for my window sill a few weeks ago?

I let them do what they wanted and needed to do....and they couldn't be more delightful at this dried wabi-sabi stage.

The color of those green seed pods (?) is just incredible....and that hint of yellow is so wonderful.  And speaking of wabi-sabi....this cutting board made by John, my friend Patsy's dad is well loved and beautiful all on its own.  Beauty in imperfection. 

Day 12 of Another 100 in honor of those seed pods....I wished I would have put in a hint of yellow. 😉 And I didn't realized until now that all the blues have some sort of a floral pattern....wasn't just happened. Yet another simple thing to make me smile.

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