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Wednesday, May 13, 2020


"Creative people don't have a mess, they just have ideas laying around everywhere."  That explains it!

It also explains why I'm not sleeping well.....too many ideas buzzing around in my head making my days a little fuzzy. 

So thank good ness for puzzles.  I've been picking away at this one I borrowed from Joan for a few weeks now. The whimsical cartoon town reminds me of the Richard Scarry books my boys had. It's 1000 pieces of tiny colorful details and a fun challenge.

I had to abandon my plan of doing it from top to bottom.....and am jumping around on the colorful chunks.

Today's block #37 is inspired by the last color insert on the last white strip I finished last night.  

Next I'll connect this to a 1/2....add the colors then connect the two halves. But I need to wait a few thumbs are sore.  


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