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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Practice Patience

I was quite taken with these baby pinecones I saw on our walk this morning....I don't ever remember seeing them so red.  

There's always a pull from both inside and out this time of year.  I have all kind of inside projects I still want to be doing but the gardens are calling...sometimes with work that needs to be done....and sometimes just puttering that wants to be done.

My rain lilies have been sitting dormant in the corner of the studio for the winter....and I finally took them outside and gave them a good soaking. Rain lilies like hot humid this chilly spring has not been ideal to get them going.

Much to my pot was trying to sprout...even though it was bone dry. It actually made me feel a bit guilty for not tending to it sooner.

They always look a little sad and hopeless at this point....
but I have to practice patience.....

....because I know what's coming.

Becky gave me a little clump of her dwarf Solomon's seal when I visited her last summer....and I'm pretty sure that's what this is. It may take a few years for it to really get going....her patch was pretty impressive.  Practice patience...that's what I keep telling myself...both inside and out.  
Today's square #38 was inspired by the fabric that was at the top of the's a little softer and a little more monochromatic. I have to remember to make some quieter ones.

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