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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mother's Day

I'm thinking about my mom today.....she's been gone a long time and I still miss her. But my second mom is here....and I'm so so grateful to have Margie, my mother-in-law, in my life on a regular basis. I have much to learn from her.

Photo take a few years ago.
Margie is one of my biggest blog fans and and I'm so appreciative of her support and feedback. The blog has helped her get to know me better and we've become very good friends. 

Happy Mother's Day Margie!

I dropped off a new wreath for her apartment door but couldn't go into the building to hang it.  I look forward to the day when I can sit in her living room and visit in person again. For now, the phone will have to do.

Thanks for being such a wonderful second mom Margie!

Today's square is inspired by these fabulous tulips seen on a walk a few days ago.  


I loved the light and shadows from the morning sun.
It seemed a little cruel....but this morning it was snowing sideways....and it's May 9th! Seriously?

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