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Friday, May 8, 2020

Drop Everything

A favorite quote in a simple and striking graphic art piece by an artist I admire: Lisa Condon. And it couldn't be more true right now....we desperately need strong and powerful leaders who lift people up and pull us all together.

I noticed something new in that lovely scene that wasn't there you see it?  They put up a rainbow now I love it even more. The rainbow is the perfect symbol for so many good and beautiful things.

What do you do when your son asks you to make masks for everyone in his little company?

You drop everything and make masks....22 of them be exact.  I was tickled he asked.

Did you know you could use strips of t-shirt instead of elastic for the ear straps?  I cut about a 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch strip of t-shirt and stretched it to make cording.  It works well....and is gentle on the ears.                                                                                                      

Today's square was inspired by this sweet Brunnera that is just starting to bloom.  My gardener friend Aaron gave it to me a few years ago....but this is the first year it's really looking good.  I hope to have lots of blooms coming.

The flower is so sweet.....and such a pretty purply blue color.

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