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Thursday, May 7, 2020


There was something about this scene that made me pause on my walk and just soak it seemed almost poetic.

A perfectly placed puff of a cloud against a bright blue sky.

Vibrant yellow forsythia precisely centered on an angular red barn.

The stately evergreen cheering on the budding deciduous.

All grounded by rich green grass and punctuated with interesting shadows.
Ok Ok....I am sooooo not a poet....but I'm playing one on the blog. 

I pinned some of my squares onto a pice of insulation board to get a sense of how things were going....and I think with a little more thoughtful placement it will work out OK. And it kind of does look like a rainbow in a bright blue sky.

I do like the mix of colors and patterns in the blocks....but I also think the more monochromatic squares and areas of white calm it down a bit. This is only 16 of the 31 I have I'm well on my way.  And I am sure if I want it to be bed size I'll need a lot more than 100.  

I used the colors in the photo to inspire today's block. Not my best attempt this time...I should have varied the sizes of the scrap pieces a bit more....there's always tomorrow.  

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