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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Picture Perfect

"Life is passing rapidly. Fiercely commit to every moment you find beautiful and remember it. Record it. Fully, wholeheartedly inhabit it.  Awareness is one of the greatest things you can possess in this life as it is as important as the very air we breathe and water we drink to stay alive."  
Victoria Erickson

It was a picture perfect spring day here in I recorded it and wholeheartedly inhabited it...and once again I get to share it with you.

It was warm in the sun and cool and breezy in the shade....and this picture perfect day started with an off the beaten path walk with our masks.  She often takes me places I've never been....and I'm grateful.  And she was a bright splash of color to follow. 

I've seen this field and rock wall from the other side along Adams Street....but never have I walked the path on this side.  Thank you Janet!

How can I not celebrate a little color along the way....
....and forget-me-nots are a favorite!

And what's not to love about these mini iris.  

I thought these were peonies....but Janet pointed out they were tulips.

Then much to my delight there were similar peony type tulips in Anita's yard....where I stopped for a quick backyard 6 foot visit with her and her precious granddaughter on the way home. Carefully walking and visiting with friends is my way of "opening back up"....and it feels good.

And...I was delighted to see Anita's orange tulips I wrote about here in this post starting to go a spectacular and showy fashion. 

They looked like orange and yellow fireworks! I love them!

And the allium sticks and balls in my own yard are coming along. I've probably taken at least a dozen photos of these in different light and from different angles.....recording them "fully and wholeheartedly."

These last several days have been garden days...not sewing days....but I missed my creative daily practice.  So late this afternoon I made a square and will get back to my another 100 day project when I get to Maine tomorrow. I'm grateful for this picture perfect day!

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