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Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Create Something

"Look more deeply. Create more joyfully. Critique more gracefully. Share more lavishly."  Words to live by...from my friend Lynne.

I repurposed one of my blocks into a little quilt card. It's always feels good to look around the studio and create something.  

I also turned this little painted paper rainbow experiment into a card....but forgot to take a photo of the finished product before I put it in the mail today. I stitched it onto a blank card....and sent a little color out into the world.   


  1. Okay, I have to know what those are across your blog header! Pens? What a yummy picture! Love the little cards you made too. I'm here to commiserate with you over the changes Blogger is making. I had no pictures showing on my blog for a few posts; that seems to have been resolved now that I'm trying the new platform. At least, I assume it has. I haven't gone back to look. I don't play well with technology to begin with - updating things always makes my life more challenging.

    1. Thanks for reaching out! The piece at the top of the blog is made from rolled paper tubes from art magazines. If you click on "paper tubes" in my labels along the side all the posts will come up including how I make them. I also appreciate sharing your frustration with technology....glad I'm not alone. So good to hear from you.

  2. I like your cards. I'm wanting to make some fabric postcards.
