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Tuesday, June 2, 2020


"We cannot cure the world of sorrows but we can choose to live in joy."  Joseph Campbell

The minute I sat down to write this post on my back patio two chickadees took turns splashing in the birdbath. What a gift!

This maiden hair fern also came from my Lexington too has adapted well.

Simple joys are important .....maybe even more so in times of worry and change.  I am so blessed to be surrounded by so many things that brighten my day and I'm grateful to Mary, Christine, and Lynne for re-connecting with me today reminding me that shared joy is multiplied joy. 

Way back in 2016 I connected with Mary from Portland Oregon. We never met, but we took the same online class and she's been following my blog ever since. You can read a post about our connection here. Revisiting that post was a bright spot in my day. Mary's e-mail, and Christine and Lynne's timely words of encouragement were just what I needed today. Thank you!

These two sprigs of the maidenhair fern broke off in yesterday's I can enjoy them inside ....what a gift. Yes....I'll be watching them even as they shrivel up!

It's a complicated time in our broken world right now and I brace myself every morning for alarming numbers or someone's actions or words that seem to be counter productive to the greater good.  I can't change much that's going on out there....but "I" can change and adapt....and continue to choose to live in...and share my joy.  

I still can't get the new blog format to upload a photo....but I'll figure it out.  For now...I still have the old format.

You probably won't be surprised how excited I was to see at least 3 tiny pink buds coming up in my rain lilies. You have to look closely...but they're there.  Joy is like that sometimes. 

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