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Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Paul was supposed to be spending his first night at a cabin in the mountains of Colorado today.  This would have been the 10th year that he and his seminary buddies, Bill, Bill and Bob, would have gathered at the cabin....and many more years before that they've been gathering somewhere together.  But because of the pandemic....tonight they had to settle for Zoom. 

August 2012
Bob, Bill, Paul, and Bill

One of the first things that one of the Bills does when he gets to the cabin is fill the hummingbird feeders....and much to their delight it doesn't take long for the sweet little birds to come the dozens.

A couple weeks ago Paul and I saw one hummingbird buzzing around the gardens at the condo.  We just got a glimpse...and he or she didn't stay long......but the next day I went right out and got a feeder hoping to attract the visitor on a regular basis. And although the sugar water seemed to be disappearing....we never saw the hummingbird again....until today.  

It is a coincidence that we watched her visit the feeder 6 or 7 times during happy hour on the very day that Paul should have been in the mountains with his buddies and the Colorado hummingbirds?  We think not.

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