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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Wabi Sabi Sunflowers

I've made good progress on my larger fabric stained glass tree project.....another practice piece before I start a commission.   

I'm taking my time...thinking it through using the best of what I learned making the smaller ones.  It's so hard to really tell how it's going to look until you add the black trees...but I think this might work out OK.

I'm trying to be thoughtful about my design and fabric choices adding in solid hand dyed and finding the right balance of batiks. I've never had a good selection of the new fabrics really brighten it up. It reminds me of a morning sunrise.

I'm pausing here to think a little more about the bottom landscape and will audition some shapes and curves. The finished size of this one will be 15 by 30.  All the pieces are just lightly fused I can easily make some changes before I start adding the trees.

Paul found this wabi-sabi sunflower patch on his walk yesterday and knew I would like it so it was our destination this morning.  You were right Paul....thanks!

I think this looks like a watercolor!

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