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Monday, July 27, 2020

Conversation Shift

For most of the summer I've been exchanging texts with my sister-in-law Alyson where we share our favorite nature photos. Sometimes it's a bloom...or a drop of dew on a leaf...or catching a bee or bug at just the right moment.  We banter back and forth through our phones celebrating the beauty around us....and it's been a wonderful new connection.

Here's one of of Alyson's photos that I love.

But last night the conversation shifted....and turned to just plain silliness.  

It started by Alyson commenting on my most recent rainbow project and how it matched her living room rug...also in the full spectrum of colors. I noted how Mother Nature got it right with that order and I giggled as I wrote the line "each color looks good next to its neighbors and compliments their friends across the street." (referencing the color wheel)
Then the conversation shifted when Alyson sent this photo....
and I laughed out loud.  Still topic.

Suddenly it became a conversation and show and tell about trolls....and it was delightful. 
Her cat Stella chewed the hair off this little guy.

And this little guy is a ring.

I went to bed smiling because sometimes a conversation shift is just what we need.


  1. :-) We called them 'Wishnicks" when we were little. I don't know if that was their TM name or if we made it up. Made me smile to remember that.

    1. How fun is that! I've never heard that before.
