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Saturday, July 18, 2020

In Between

"We must use our time and our space on this little planet that we call Earth to make a lasting contribution, to leave it a little better than we found it, and now that need is greater than ever before." 
John Lewis, may he rest in peace.

I won't be able to stop myself from taking photos of the meadow rue....
consider yourself warned.

And I'm loving the sweet blooms of the moonbeam coreopsis.  Such a fresh summer yellow color.

I feel like I'm in between things.  My project for the Swirls of Color class is done and I'm looking forward to practicing the skills.  

I'm at the point where I need to move forward on a more serious practice piece for my fabric stained glass commission....but I'm not quite there in my head yet.  

And the gardens are in as good of shape as they can be at this point in the season.  

So I'm kind of in between things....and transitioning rather slowly into whatever is next.

One of the things that helps me transition while I'm in between things is a puzzle. Linda gave me this 2000 piece puzzle months ago. I should say 1999 pieces because one is missing....but that 's OK...I know right where it is....or isn't.  See the little green stickie?  I think I vowed to never to a big one again after the last one.....but this one was calling me as a good in between summer project. 

I wrote about the last 2000 piece one where the pieces covered my dining room table:

This one is too big for my puzzle table in Lexington....but it just fits on the table in Portland.  The frame has been done for weeks and I've been mulling over how to start tackling it and how to manage all the pieces. So 8 box tops and a small table were the answer to the pieces and I'm staring with blue bits and parts. I brought this table from Lexington to use in the studio...but it's needed downstairs for a bit.  Ironically....this extra table came from the puzzle is right at home.

I have a long way to go....but now that I'm set up....I'll be plugging away in between things.

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