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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

One of Those Days

It was one of those days filled with everyday magic....all day long.

On a misty morning walk Anita and I came across this patch of tiny mushrooms in a neighbor's yard.  We were quite taken with the clusters that looked like little families.

Do you see what I see......

...a tiny rain drop.

On my way back to Portland guess where I stopped.

That's right....Ocean Park to consult with Jane on the layout of the quilt she is sewing together for me.  It's going to be an explosion of AWESOME!

And it just happened to be low the beach was calling for a walk.
The sky was blue...the clouds were fluffy....and the air was dry and perfect. 
It was just one of those beautiful beach days.

When I got to Portland I found the meadow rue was blooming.  I had been trying to take photos of it for several days when only one bloom was open....but it's so hard to get the camera to focus on the tiny little buds so high in the air and all I got was blur.  Today was just one of those lucky days.

The buds are like tiny pink pearls.

And here's a context photo. David gave me some babies that I planted in the same I hope they grow up to be companions to this one.  They just fascinate me!

And the verbena and scaevola were bursting with color.
Paul cooked ribs on the grill for dinner and we had a nice couple of hours on the patio.
It was just one of those days filled with everyday magic.
I am truly blessed.

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