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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

We're All Connected

As I was driving from Portland to Lexington today I was reminded of a comment from Toni....a new blog reader a week or so ago. Toni was compelled to write after she read a recent post call "Soft Blues" about Jane's beach in Ocean Park, Maine.

Toni is from Portland, Oregon....but she currently lives in Ocean Park, Washington....and Lexington, Oregon is not far away.  When she saw the photo of Jane walking up the dune path to the beach....she thought it could have been right around the corner....and the hydrangeas from my garden could have been in her own. 

We're all one way or another.  Aren't we?

I'm only in Lexington for one night....and it's always good to check on the gardens.  The purples in the hydrangea are deepening....and new blossoms are coming along. 

I hadn't noticed the amazing little centers on the petals around the cap of this lace cap hydrangea before.  It's like another tiny little flower upon a flower.

A few of the globe thistle blooms are starting to turn purple.

Just for fun....I checked out the city connections on Google Maps:

How fun it that!!! Thanks for reaching out Toni!

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