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Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Tim...the Doer

"Ditch the dream and be a doer.  Happy, successful people are busy doing."  Shonda Rhimes

I've mentioned before that "Dick Doer" is one of the many nicknames Paul has given me.  It's true...I do like to be busy and get things done....but I also spend a fair amount of time just sitting...doing nothing at all. But this post is not about's about my brother-in-law Tim.  He, like me enjoys a little sitting and dreaming, but he's very much a "doer."

This past Sunday....just 3 days ago...I texted my sister LaVonn these ostrich planters I saw on line.  Tim is quite an artist/welder and their yard is full of creative and clever sculptures....I recently posted about a large heart sculpture he made:

LaVonn loves colorful summer annuals in I thought these would be right up her alley....the caption on my text read: "I think Tim could weld something like this."

And just yesterday....2 days later LaVonn texted me these photos.  
At first I thought they were photoshopped...but it didn't take me long to realize Tim...the doer...had been busy in his shop.

This is what the innards look like. It certainly helps that Tim lives on a farm with all kinds of cool stuff and works at the county he has lots of weldable treasures. His shop looks like my craft studio....just different materials.

LaVonn and I brainstormed about the personality it would take on depending on the plant she's fun with a fern. She's going to keep me posted where is lands in the yard...and I'm sure it will bring smiles to the neighbors and the people in the cars passing by.  I know it brought me a smile.  
Impressive work....Tim the doer! 
Now all it needs is a name....I'm thinking "Dick."  😉

I dug into my photo archives and found a few of of Tim's welded sculptures....many of which he helped his boys make for the 4-H fair.  Don't even get me started on the 4-H fair!  That's a whole post on its own.....mostly good memories growing up.

For those of you who don't know me well....or are new to this blog...this post from 2016 about my "Dick Doer" nickname is fairly revealing...and I still pretty much feel the same way about dreaming versus doing.

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