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Friday, August 21, 2020

Day Four

This is day four of the white rain lily bloom....and it pretty much puts on the same little show every day.  It closes up for the night....

...and opens up every morning as pretty and perky as ever. 
It continues to be a delight....and as you can see I continue to make it a big deal.

This evening I just started to notice that the petals are starting to get a little we'll see how many more days it has in it.  And who knows.....maybe I'll get a few more before the end of the season.

Becky texted me this photo....the first bloom on her plant....the mother of my rain lily bulbs.  

Yesterday...on the same day I was writing about slowing down to look a little closer...Tracie had done that very thing on her morning walk. She paused to take in the simple beauty of these leaf imprints in the concrete. You just never know what you might see when you slow down and look.

I got started on a little wool project that has been on my mind...but will report in on that tomorrow. With the weather so wonderful I haven't had as much studio time as I thought.  I've been getting together with friends, enjoying the pool and the patio and puttering in the garden.  I'm soaking up these delightful late summer days.  The studio will be there.

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