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Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wooly Leaf

Ever since I made that second Swirls of Color project in the leaf design....I've wanted to try another one.  I was curious how it would work with I've been working on an experiment for a few days. The first one can be seen here in this post:

I'm just starting to add some hand embellishments....but this is where I ended today.  Some of the yarns appear brighter in this photo than they really are....and there are things I most certainly will do differently next time.  That's always the way it goes.  The piece is 5 x 7.

Here's my process:

I drew out my pattern on a piece of heavy stabilizer.

I made some little pattern pieces using tracing paper and I cut the pieces out of wool. I was able to mush them together better together when I added the stitching but I did tack them down with a fabric glue stick.

Using some decorative stitches on my machine I stitched down all the raw edges.

Next I added yarn pieces over the seams couching them with another decorative machine stitch.  In the end it might have been better to couch these by hand....because the machine stitching flattened out the yarns more than I would have liked.  But I do think it's an interesting effect.

I think the seam towards the bottom left with the dark blue yarn and the black swirl design is my favorite.  I'm not so sure about the glass beads with the wool.....but that's what experimenting is for!

The framing was done digitally and helps me with the visualizing and planning.  I think there's potential here!