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Sunday, August 2, 2020

"Love It and Leaf It"

Just recently I wrote about fabric artist Ellen Lindner.  I took an online glued fabric collage class from her years ago and one of her pieces inspired my second Swirls of Color leaf project.  During the pandemic Ellen has missed in person teaching so decided to give a live Zoom class a try and was looking for volunteers for her Love it and Leaf it class.  The class would be free if participants offered comments and feedback for her future Zoom seemed like an opportunity I just couldn't pass up.

Here is my finished Love It and Leaf It project piece....digitally framed.

From 1:00 to about 4:30 yesterday 21 one of us gathered on Zoom and snipped and sewed along together. It was an interesting way to take a class....and I would certainly do it again if the right opportunity came along.

The pattern is blurred because it is Ellen's intellectual property.

Ellen is a born teacher.....very patient and clear. She worked on the project right along with us so we could watch her demonstrate and field questions at the same time.We used a raw edge applique technique and were given the option to fuse or not....I chose to fuse.

My green leaf is a little's supposed to look like it has a curl but I didn't quite hit the mark with my fabric choices. Otherwise I'm very pleased and learned some new tips and tricks.
Thanks Ellen for this fun opportunity!


  1. What a really neat class and opportunity! I would have love this as well. Thank you for sharing.

    1. I should have put the word out there ahead of time....would have been fun to have you in the class. I'll try and do that next time. I know she'll be offering it again.
