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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Really Really Want To

When Paul and I were pausing on the patio yesterday I told him he needed to help me not to keep signing up for classes....unless I really really wanted to. It made him laugh out loud....because he knows I really really want to do all the things that spark my creative energy. the very last minute I really wanted to participate in a free Zoom practice class run by an artist I admire.  The problem was it was today from 1-4.  And because Paul is back at work on Sundays, Saturday is now our transition day. I had to get all my supplies ready and do the prep before we left Portland....and then scramble to get my sewing room in Lexington presentable enough to be on camera. (which turned out didn't really matter...but it's good to have a start on that)

And to complicate things even further we got 10 miles down the highway when I realized I left this basket with all my supplies sitting at the Condo so we had to turn around and go back. Oy!

Thank you Paul for being so patient with me!  And have to help me not to keep signing up for things....unless you really really want me to. 😉 More on this wonderful class experience tomorrow.

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