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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Thanks Becky!

When I woke up this morning the rain lily bud was still closed up tight.  Then...after a welcomed rain shower and a good old fashioned summer thunderstorm the sun came out and it didn't take long for the bloom to strut its stuff...and it did not disappoint!  Thanks Becky!

As you can see I put the pot up on a stand.....mostly for viewing and photographing ease. But I'm choosing to make a really big deal out of it belongs on a pedestal.....and I love the morning shadow it created. At this point it was just opening.

Just a few minutes later..... was opening up almost before my eyes.

And there you have it.  It's a beauty!  A tiny, simple, wonderful, beauty.

And much to my delight....on the back side of one of my pink pots there was a bloom hidden in the thick foliage that came to join the party.  All are welcome here!

Just after the bloom celebration I took Margie to an appointment.  I helped her inside and chose to wait outside....wandering around the parking lot and grounds. I settled into a spot in the shade when something caught my attention and I turned around and looked behind me. There hidden in the tree were some buoys and a driftwood orb....and when I looked through the tree I saw this delightful little scene in the neighbor's backyard. Another delightful gift for my day. Life is like don't forget to look....all around.

Now I know I'm getting a little Peeping Tomish....but I had to zoom in.  The art piece on the shed is a dragonfly made out of licence fun is that! 
Thanks neighbor!

And then......

Linda sent me this photo of her little pot of pink rain lilies that are still going strong and showing no sign of slowing down. How cool is that!

This evening the star of the show started to close back up and by dark it was completely closed...tucked in for the night!
Thanks Becky! Your rain lily gift entertained me all day long!

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