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Monday, August 17, 2020

Wabi-Sabi Art

I get such a kick out of having people in my life who share little snippets of their lives they know will make me smile. Tracie texted me this photo of a framed spent Candy Lily stem this afternoon...and it may be one of the best examples of wabi-sabi art I've seen in a long time. I absolutely love it everything about it. 

Today was a chore day. I tackled some cleaning projects, put up a shelf in a closet and organized it, and just general puttering around the house.  But every hour or so I went outside to check on the rain lily bud which seemed to be changing ever so slightly by the minute.  It may seem like a small thing....but this first white bloom is a really big deal to me!

It had been growing taller over that past few days....but this morning there were major changes when I woke up. The yellowish bud was filling out and turning more white.

It looked like it was going to pop any minute.

Then finally it opened....just a teeny tiny bit about 2:00....

...and I could see a little bit of the magic inside. 

It didn't open any further than this today and actually closed back up this evening....but I'm certain tomorrow is the day it will fully bloom. I love that it's taking a long time.....sometimes waiting makes things seem even more special.

One of the times I went out to check I was greeted by a rather large friend in the corner of my yard. We just watched each other for almost a minute before she scampered into the woods. 

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