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Friday, September 25, 2020

Color and Light

"It was a day filled with the glow of ordinary things." Brian Andreas

Today I'm celebrating color and light around our neighborhood over the last couple of days in Maine. 

 There's a pop of red peeking over our condo unit....and you can just barely see the seven-sons flower tree in nearly full bloom on the corner in the back. After the white petals fall off...the base of the flower...called the sepal...will will turn a bright rosy pink. What fun that is going to be!

Almost every night Paul and I go for a stroll around our little neighborhood and we always start by with a loop around the pond.  The sky was lovely last night....and the leaves are starting to turn. I always look forward to the reflection of the fall trees on the pond.

The hazy 1/2 moon....mimicked the light from the half moon shaped window of our neighbor.

 I'm enjoying this little solar light sitting on my fence.....

...and the little fall candle that flickers in the kitchen window. 
 It's on a is on from 4 to 10 every evening.

There's some beautiful fall color at Margie's place....

....and it's popping up more and more on our morning walks.

There are some magnificent trees in our neighborhood....they seem to change by the minute. 
Color and light.....totally worth celebrating!


  1. Replies
    1. It is indeed. I always love seeing the photos or your vacations here. You always stay in a beautiful spot!
