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Saturday, September 26, 2020


"There is a machine that's supposed to make people good & true & kind & the funny thing it works best when it's completely broken down so everyone has to stop what they're doing & get together & figure out how to fix it."  Brian Andreas  

Continuing with the fusing theme for round 2 of our 4 x 6 exchange I knew I wanted to do some sort of seascape for Brenda's Card this week.  She told me she loved blues and a seascape seemed like an good choice.

Just like Becky's card...I built my fused project on a piece of release paper starting with the sky.

Using a sliver of soap I marked excess fabric to trim off before I ironed it down....not only to save precious fused fabric but to keep the bulk down.

Then I kept layering.

As I worked I auditioned it under a 4 x 6 matt to see what it would look like cropped down.

I second guessed this next step when I added some white text fabric to represent the white foam along the shore. I think I liked it better in the previous photo....but I knew I was going to add fibers. It would be OK.

Once the fusing was done I peeled it off the release paper and ironed it onto a piece of interfacing so it would be more stable for stitching.

Using invisible thread....I started adding fibers.....

....and a bit of lace for the shoreline.

I trimmed it to size...and sewed a tight zigzag stitch around the edges for binding.

Before I glued it onto the card I added a little bit of beading and sequins to suggest pebbles along the beach. Maybe...just maybe I should have added a little more. I NEVER say that.

And...a real life seascape from Kettle Cove a few days ago.....

...and of course a visit to the Bug Light on the way home.


  1. I love seeing how these cards evolve. This one is my favorite so far.
