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Thursday, September 3, 2020

It Was One of Those Days....

....filled to the brim with amazing things from beginning to end.  

This morning I spent a couple of hours on Facetime with Brenda and Becky. We chatted about our current 4x6 exchange project and it was great to get to know Brenda a little bit.....we have a lot of common ground.  We're all certain this exchange will be a good thing for us all....and we celebrated that.  And to top it off....I got Becky's week one card....and Brenda's week two card both today. Perfect timing! Next week....week three....we will make one to keep.

Becky assembled a fun collage.....

...and Brenda painted a lovely watercolor of her backyard trailing nasturtiums.  
I'm looking forward to the journey.

I'm always on the lookout for interesting classes to take....but I also love helping/teaching others when I have the opportunity. So I lept at the chance today to help Becky and Brenda learn more about fabric fusing and it seemed to work out pretty well.  We don't think Facetime is the right mode of delivery....but we'll figure that out as we go along.

I had my phone set up on my overhead tripod so we could talk face to face....but I could easily flip the camera around so I could demonstrate things from my table. I need to be better able to see what they're seeing from my we'll figure out another way for next time....because I'm pretty sure there will be a next time.  They're going to be my test students.  

I went straight from that to sitting on Patsy's porch for a few hours of stitching...and then straight to our own back patio for a nice evening with Paul....and lobster for dinner. 

And just in case that wasn't enough....this is what the evening sky delivered.

We just couldn't stop looking.  

It seemed to change by the minute.

We went for a stroll (which we do almost every evening) and just soaked it in. It was lovely over the pond.

And if that weren't we were walking back home I saw a white glow on my seven-sons flower tree at the corner of the patio....and my heart skipped a beat.  As I got closer I found a few blooms on the west side that are just starting....and I couldn't be more excited.  If you remember from a recent blog post ( beautiful white blooms will change to bright pink. So consider yourself warned....this little tree is chocked full of there's going to be a lot of celebrating over the next little while.

It was just one of those days.....I'm exhausted in the best possible way.

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