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Sunday, September 20, 2020

Pop of Pink

There are several things I could write about was just one of those days.  But right there at the top of the list was Anita and Dave's fall crocus patch....who knew there was such a thing! The fall crocus is sometimes called meadow saffron...and although it looks exactly like the familiar spring bulb this fall crocus is actually in the lily family.  I also learned that the spring bulb is in the iris family. I didn't know that either.

This crocus patch was already there when Dave and Anita moved in 43 years ago and has been blooming every fall since.  The foliage comes up in the spring then dies back in the summer followed by these magnificent blooms in the early fall....just when you need a pop of pink!

The stems must be reather delicate because there were several that had tumbled over...making the patch even that much more interesting. They just felt so special.

I was absolutely smitten!

Birds eye view of the patch....that has pretty much been the same size...all these years.


  1. I think those are the crocus they get saffron from. Crocus Sativus aka Autumn Crocus aka Saffron crocus.
