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Monday, September 21, 2020

Round Two

Last week  was round two of our 4 x 6 exchange. I put my card in the mail last Monday along with some other things in a small box....and Becky finally got it today....a full week later. Lesson learned: spring the extra few bucks for priority postage....first class mail is not guaranteed. 

This time we sent our first card to the opposite Becky got my first one....Brenda gets hers this second week and I will keep the third next week.  Since I recently did a little lesson with them on fusing techniques....that's what I'm doing for the three cards of round two. 

I got so involved when I was making this one that I forgot to take many pictures along the way....but I'll try and describe what I did to make this fused collage card.

I started by drawing a rectangle on the release paper of the 4 x 6 finished size.  I "built" my collage on the paper and at the end I was able to peel it right off.

I have a bin of neutral scraps fabrics that already had fusible on the back...most of them left over from my Folt Bolt project years ago.  Some of these images I printed on my printer. I added fusible to a piece of muslin then cut it 8 1/2 by 11 and with the paper still on....I was able to feed it through my printer. 

I cut random shapes and collaged a neutral background. One of these plant sprigs was a sample cutout in I shared in our little lesson....and I added a few more.  The stamp is an image from a postcard I copied onto fabric left over from a previous project. Because everything had fusible on the back...all I had to do was overlap it a bit and iron it.

The circles were cut from this piece of fabric....again, with fusible already on the back.  
I roughly cut them out....then trimmed them up.  I've used these circles in several projects.
Here's a post from 2015 where I used them in an art journal...and they are actually from a blue version of the very same fabric.

I trimmed the piece exactly the size I wanted.....peeled it off the release paper....

...and just lightly fused it right on the card with just a quick tap of the iron.  I added the stitching because I thought it added a nice little frame and gives a nod to the fact that this is ALL fabric. 
Week one of round two is done and delivered! 

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