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Monday, October 19, 2020

Blues and Greens

"She left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went. It's easier to feel the sunlight without them, she said."  Brian Andreas

Becky finally got last week's card from me took a full week.  But I'm still amazed that a piece of mail that I drop in a slot gets anywhere at all.  So way to go Post Office! 

Becky's card is my second negative space painting for round three of our 4 x 6 exchange.  

I started with a painted paper collage with a tight color scheme....just blues and greens and many of them leaf prints that didn't turn out so well.  I've learned that even the not so great gel prints can be useful.  I didn't take a photo....but I sponged on some gold highlights before I started painting.  The collage was big enough for me to try a few things.

This time I used this "mask" to define the negative space I wanted to paint.  A stencil prints an image itself...and a mask prints the negative space around an image. I forgot to take any pictures along the way but I'll try to describe what I did in case you're interested. 

I rolled a very thin layer of creamy white paint on my gel plate....laid down this mask and placed my collage on top with the colored side down.  I pressed with my fingers and palms to get good contact in the negative spaces.  What that gave me is a visible guide to hand paint a second coat of paint.  Cheating?  I think not....I thought it was clever.

For a little interest I machine stitched around the design.

My Angie memory for today is an afternoon bonfire from several years ago. This is how how you get rid of your yard trash when you live in the country....there's nothing like a good roaring bonfire!
I put a video of it in my Instagram page at the can view it here:

I fell in love with this rusty old metal chair....I sat there for a long time watching it burn down.

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