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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Joyful Abundance

Back in June I was working in my front yard when Maija, who I'd never met, walked by and complimented me on my gardens.  She especially loved one the hosta plants in the front corner garden.  I gave her a tour of the whole yard....and she told me she was in the middle of a house and garden remodel. I invited her to contact me this fall and I would give her some splits.  

Well....Maija remembered...and she and her daughter Mina came by this afternoon and we toured the yard again...this time with my shovel.  I love sharing my abundance. Pure joy!

I did quite a bit of yard work last weekend but I didn't do all the cutbacks....and now I know why.  It was much easier for Maija to see the sizes, colors, and shapes of things so she could choose what she liked.....felt like it was meant to be.  And the best part is someday she'll be able to pay it forward and share some of her abundance.  How cool is that!

It was a beautiful day to be working outside....and I enjoyed interacting up close with all the textures and golden beauty of my fading fall garden.

Joyful Abundance!

And then it was time to cut it all back....time for it to rest.

My Angie memory of the day......the neighbor had just picked corn....
...and I think he sprung a leak.


  1. The birds must have had a field day with all the corn droppings. :-)

    Your garden is lovely in the falL!

    1. I'm sure the birds and other creatures loved the corn. And...everything looks lovely in the fall! Thanks Elle!
