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Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Change of Scenery

I started my day in Lexington so wanted to share a few beautiful photos from a recent walk around the neighborhood with Anita and Janet.  We were in awe of the beauty that was up and down every street.

This surprised us!  Lilac this time of year?  Or is it something else.

This guy grows a big pumpkin every year and displays it in his front yard.

I fell in love with the layers of color in this smoke bush.

I learned after the walk that this was a sassafras leaf....I have several pressed in a book.

I ended my day with a change of scenery. I flew into Madison, Wisconsin ending up at my sister LaVonn and her husband Tim's farm.  All 5 sisters will be in the same place at the same time for a day or so...and I will stay a few weeks and help out where I can. I'm looking forward to spending time with Angie who also arrived today. This is where she will stay....back home on a farm.

Downtown Madison sits on an Isthmus between two lakes....and the late afternoon sky was lovely flying in.

The view from the front porch of the farm....the bean fields across the street already picked. I am going to search out some corn fields.

This quote from Morgan Harper Nichols seemed timely.  Joy and sorrow will be very real for me in these next weeks....but I will continue to lift up the joy.

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