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Thursday, October 22, 2020


"Laugh out loud"...or "lots of love?"  The correct answer is both.

You know it's going to be good day when it starts with a photo from your husband who knows what makes you smile.  I've given him photo assignments while I am away.....keeping me posted on the ginkgo tree, the seven-sons flower tree and the foliage change in the woods and along the condo. The rest of what he keeps me posted on is up to him. 

The caption of this photograph read: "If it is all about the stem...."  

If you're not a regular reader this won't make any sense at all....but the rest of you know he's been paying attention.
Today was a heartwarming and wonderful day. Five sisters and a brother-in-law spent a good chunk of the day telling stories, laughing, and celebrating some of Angie's treasures that came with her from Missouri. Lots of laughter and lots of love.

I don't know anyone who has a wider variety of collections than my sister Angie.  This unusual collection of vintage self care products lived in her bathroom.

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