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Friday, October 23, 2020

Wabi-Sabi Sunflowers

Today I'm celebrating wabi-sabi sunflowers.  

Back in September my sister LaVonn sent me this photo of a volunteer sunflower plant that bloomed at just the right time after the others had gone by.  It's a good story I called "Cheerful Greeting."

When I looked back at the post I realized it was the actual day my sister Angie fell and broke her hip.  And here we are....Angie, LaVonn, and me....from three different states all sleeping under the same roof.

If you know me you will certainly understand how excited I was to see that the sunflower plant was still there by the road in all its wabi-sabi glory. And...I just learned that there were actually 42 blooms on this one plant when it was in its prime.

And I loved these couple of standing stems left over from Tim's large field of flowers. 

And again to my delight there were a couple of dried sunflower blooms in a bouquet in the house....they may end up in my suitcase. I absolutely love wabi-sabi sunflowers.

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