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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Empty Sancuary

Our doors may be closed....but our church is thriving.

Paul and his colleagues have been doing virtual church for more than 7 months....and they've figured out how to do it quite well. Although he would never choose it...Paul had gotten used to preaching to an empty sanctuary....just looking into the camera talking to people in their homes or wherever they might be.

Today was "Celebration Sunday" kicking off the new church year and recommitting to the good work this church has been doing for generations. And I wanted to contribute a little color to the empty sanctuary.

Years and years ago I started a wall hanging using a remnant of green upholstery fabric thinking it could hang in one of the church hallways or offices.  I had done some machine quilting on the green....but for some reason it just sat.....for a VERY long time.  This past week I pulled it out....did some tweaking to get the size right....and made it into a new celebration parament for the pulpit.  Green for (not so) Ordinary Time...and a rainbow for all the reasons we need and celebrate rainbows.  

Here's a screenshot from this morning's Youtube streaming.....Paul preaching to an empty sanctuary.

At the end of every service a rendition of "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" is sung....and it gives me chills every time because I know I will never be in this sanctuary again with these good people.

A date has been set.  Paul will be officially retiring as of January 31st.  One more Christmas (and a weird Christmas it will be)...and remaining sermons to an empty sanctuary that he can count on just two hands.

A recent aerial view of Hancock Church 

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