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Saturday, October 3, 2020

'Tis The Season

I never like rushing a season....but retail stores are already getting ready for the holidays and that means it was time for Christmas matches for Folly 101. It's a multi step process that I spread out over a few's a great mindfully mindless evening activity. 

I've done thousands of these over the I've got the process down to a science. The first step is to cut the papers...then I fold and crease...usually while watching TV. 

Finally I glue them onto the boxes and use the small cutting board as the weight to be sure the paper has a good hold . I delivered them this afternoon....and the store was at max capacity so I couldn't even stop to take photos. But as was lovely.

This "tis the season" paper may be one of my favorites. 


Paul headed back to Lexington for a few days....and I'm staying in Maine through next week.  I did some errands and visited a few friends this afternoon and came home from Janice's with this fabulous dessert.....

...and I can describe it in one word......Joy!  


  1. Replies
    1. The dessert? or the matchboxes? I'll answer both: I cover matchboxes for a gift shop in Portland ME. I always do a big batch for Christmas....these with a little candle make a good hostess gift. friend Janice made me a single serving of apple cranberry crisp. It was so yummy!
