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Monday, October 12, 2020

Every Day Still Life

 I was greeted this morning by a text with this playful image from Paul's morning walk....his caption read: 

"When is it not all about the stem?  When it's all about the hat." 

Kudos to Paul for paying attention....he knows it is really all about the stem....
but I do love the hats too. 💜

I spent much of the past few days cleaning up the gardens in Lexington....moving a few things, weeding, and doing fall cut-backs.  This is my last season in this garden....and it has served me well. 

I snapped this photo without really giving it much thought....but realized this evening that it's an example of "every day still life" I learned about in Philippa's class.  If I would have recognized it at the time I would have looked at my photo....edited and arranged it a bit for better composition...then rephotographed.  But I didn' it's unedited everyday still life: my favorite brand of garden ALL TIME favorite and super useful always in my hand soil knife, rocks that will be moved to Maine, and some lovely hydrangeas that were nearly dry on the vine that I couldn't bear to throw away.

I've had these metal garden spikes for years and years and have loved them tucked in various gardens.  They're a bit rusty, but still in very good shape so I'm going to find just the right agapanthus blue spray paint and bring them back to life....and also move them to Maine where they might get tucked in the woods. Each wire spike is tipped in gold....I'll have to figure that out too.

And for anyone who follows this blog and/or knows my dear friend Connie....I'm still gardening in her shoes.  Read that story here:

And my Angie memory and photo(s) of the day is my "everyday still life" homework assignment for Philippa's Consciously Creative class. I completed it while waiting for the oatmeal to cook for Angie's and my breakfast three years ago.....I think it's worth an A+!

This was my final composition.

This is how it looked before I edited and rearranged.  I wrote about it in a previous post...and if you link to it be sure to read Chiara's still makes me chuckle.

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