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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Snippets...and Candy Stores

I'm back in Maine. It rained all day which made it a good day to settle in....tend to some business, and play a little in my studio.

There were a million things I should have been doing...but one of the thing I chose to do was sift through my stash and stitch together this wild and crazy strip of snippets. I felt like a kid in a candy store as I chose colorful bits of this and that. Initially I had no other purpose than to just give it a try.

But it occurred to me after that I could actually use it as a card. I wrote a little note on the back, folded it up and sent it on it's way to someone who is just as colorful and crazy.  

Speaking of a kid in a candy store....Paul was in Maine all weekend while I was in Lexington and he was pretty excited to share his "found objects" from his walks.  They are all wonderful....but my very favorite is in the photo below.
He was pretty cute with his little brown bag of "candy"....
but the croquet ball is the best!

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