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Monday, November 16, 2020

Beloved Wife

I was hoping this post would be all about a quiet birthday celebration with Margie....but my covid test results are still not in so I couldn't go see her. Hopefully we can celebrate tomorrow. 

Near the end of my stay in WI I emailed Paul a photo of this comic I found in Angie's stash.  

It was time for him to water the plants at the condo....and along with the photo was overly detailed instructions on what to do.....I thought the comic softened the email.  I chuckled....don't know if he did. But he did water the plants for his beloved wife.
And when he watered he gave me a heads up that I had some blooms coming....and this is what I came home to.  I moved this Christmas cactus from the studio to the kitchen so I could enjoy it today and when I have time to be in the studio again I'll move it back.  Today was not that day.

My blooms are more of a salmon opposed to the bright pink of LaVonn's and it brought me a lot of joy today.

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