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Tuesday, November 17, 2020


The very best parts of my day were being able to see people I love after finally getting covid negative results. Yesterday was Margie's birthday....and it was nice to celebrate a little with her in person this afternoon.  And finally, as of this evening Paul and I are in the same's been four weeks.

About a month ago I put a request on Facebook asking family and friends to shower Margie with birthday cards.  She's received at least 20 so far....and they're still coming.  So thank you to those of you who heard the call and responded. 

89 was the perfect birthday to celebrate in this way. 2020 has been a challenging and crazy year and if we've learned anything we've learned that we really are all connected.

It warmed my heart to see all the cards and read the notes from friends and family. Some were homemade and they all were beautiful....too many to show and share. 
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!  JOY!

This pop-up from Joan made me smile!

Before I left for Wisconsin I gave her a few puzzles to enjoy while I was gone. It was fun seeing this succulent one all completed sitting on her board and I'm looking forward to doing it sometime.  The colors and textures are wonderful.

Then there was this silly card that I made while sitting at the kitchen table with Angie. Happy Birthday Margie!  Glad to be back in your zip code....because as the card says: two heads are better than one!  So glad I got to celebrate with you!

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