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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Just Getting Started

Every once in a while I'm compelled to buy a little fabric.

I saw this Alison Glass assortment of bright and colorful plaids online....and I couldn't resist.  It's going to be a while before I can do something with it...but in the meantime I'm just going to bask in the glow!

I'm just getting started on my commission fabric stained glass piece.  I've had the basic sketch done for quite some time....but life has take me in a few different directions as of late.  And...because it's a commission it seemed more important than ever to get it right so I was hesitant to even start. If I didn't start....I couldn't screw it up. 

I'm pretty much modeling it after this last one I made....with just a few tweaks.  The biggest change is eliminating the straight green horizon line...the whole lower landscape part is going to be more curvy. 

For anyone new to the can read more about this piece here:

Since it's a commission piece I want Amy and Lisle to see the finished product before I write too much about it here....but I wanted to let you know one of the things I'll be up to in the studio for the the next few weeks. I've already worked my way into the reds and oranges so I'm making progress....but this all I'm going to share for now. It feels good that I'm finally getting started.

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