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Sunday, November 1, 2020

Connect From a Distance

I can't help but celebrate the mystery and wonder of modern technology. This morning Angie, LaVonn and I were able to watch a live Zoom piano recital all the way from Bristol, England. Our niece's 7 year old son Aras is quite good and played several selections....and we got a little playing and a lot of dancing from 5 year old Ayla. It was just perfect. Then another Zoom call with Aunt Beverly and our two cousins Scott and Cindy.  We all felt like we were in the same room with all of them.  Technology is a wonderful thing that allows us to connect from a distance.

The other thing I'm celebrating is an old school way of connecting from a distance....a rather extensive collection of vintage postcards from my grandmother that I'm taking home with me.  Angie has always been the "keeper" of a lots of family memorabilia....and as my parents and grandparents passed she knew what to scoop up.  Now some of those things are being passed around...and I've asked for the post cards. There must be at least 50...but probably a lot more....from all occasions. 

I'm looking forward to going through them one by one when I get home.  Most of them are embossed...and the colors and designs are so....vintage

These two are from 1910 and 1915 and cost just one cent to mail. The addresses were simple:
Miss Kate Daniels 
Delavan Illinois


Miss Kate Daniels
Babcock Wisc.
Box 103

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